It's Friday, so it's time for another weekly update from your lovable producer; Niall.

So we've started wading into the deeper waters now. As we come towards the end of our Production, we're starting the more complex shots.
Needless to say, some people have fallen
behind, but we're not in trouble yet. We've encountered a lot of bugs and errors this week which as really slowed our progress. Some shots had to be entirely rebuilt after we overlooked a memory bloating issue, and corrupted an entire shot. We also had some difficulties with rogue PNGs refusing to accept colouring. We've come to call these terrifying symbols; The Possessed neck and feet. If we catch the demonic entities early on and exorcise them, then we don't have to worry about them screwing with our animation later on. A possessed neck sadly broke shot 3, so I have to
fix that over the weekend. It's not too much trouble, but it's a pain and a setback.

Shot three is all done with the exception of
the neck issues, but that can be fixed quite quickly. I've just finished colouring shot twenty,
but the animation is not complete upon it yet. I'll
be hopefully finishing it on Monday and Tuesday, and then will be perfectly on schedule. Here's a screen cap of the shot:
Leonard has been working on our split screen scene in which Red and Blue roar at one another for dominance over the space. He's applied some great follow through and vibration effects on the screen divider to really give the shot some strong motion. The animation is rather simplistic, mostly with rapid snaps, but it definitely serves the purpose. The colouring isn't finished yet, but he's got plenty of time to finish it and I'm confident he will. After this week, Leonard will have completed all of his shots, and can begin to think about working on the shots of his teammates and find ways to improve them. Here's a screen cap of his shot In progress.
Lewis has been working on the mountain shot from last week. The shot is  near completion but will require some heavy clean-up and some alterations
to make the act appear more strenuous. Currently Lewis is scheduled to take the longest shot
in the film, but I'm thinking about re-assigning that to someone else so he can work on the Super Shot next week. Perhaps Leonard can tackle it. That aside, here's a shot from Lewis's shot eight.
Nila has been hard at work providing the crew with symbols. She's done incredibly well and I'd argue perhaps even too much work. I wish more
of us had her artistic talent so we could create the puppets for our own shots, but this is the best way to keep it aesthetically consistent. Nila
has been dancing between a number of her shots, making improvements here and there. In addition, she's been working on my shot while I added an animated background to one of hers. Primarily, she's been working on the second longest shot (not including the super shot), shot sixteen. In sixteen, Red tears off his moustache and beats his chest like a gorilla while paper aeroplanes fly past him. It's a tricky shot, but she's made some great progress. She also advised I colour my shots prior to animating. It was good advice which I promptly followed.

Here's a shot from sixteen. This is the point in which Red has torn off his moustache, the background going wild behind him while he moves in slow motion.

As always, here's an updated production chart and a link to a larger one. 

We have two weeks remaining, and I'm confident we can get this done, even if we
are a tad behind.

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    Highbrow productions

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